Call for Papers- International Law on Sustainable Development, Legal Experts Seminar

The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) will co-host, together with the International Law Association’s Committee on International Law on Sustainable Development, a Legal Experts Panel and Seminar in Rome, Italy on 15-17 June 2011.

These events will commence with an International Legal Experts Panel on Green Economy, Poverty & the Law in which we will discuss the international and domestic legal aspects of the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil.

The Legal Experts Panel will be followed by a 2-day Semina on Justice, Sustainabiity and International Law which aims to provide a forum for Committee members and other invited guests to present and discuss papers on key topics, including an analysis of how the 2002 New Delhi Declaration Principles have been reflected in the decisions of courts and tribunals. The final afternoon of this in-depth seminar will be reserved to discuss recommendations for the deliberations of the UN High Level Experts Panel on Global Sustainability and plans for the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) process, and for the ILA Sophia Biennial Conference. Continue reading

Calls for Papers & Articles on Various Genocide-related Topics

by Mel O’Brien

Quite a few very interesting conferences dealing with genocide-related topics are upcoming in 2011 and 2012. Following is information about a conference in March 2011, calls for papers for conferences later in 2011 and in 2012, and a call for articles for publication in a conference proceedings. I will be giving a paper at the IAGS conference in July, so look forward to meeting anyone who will be attending that. My paper will be on external influences, such as interviewing techniques, on guilt admissions by génocidaires. Continue reading

Call for Papers- Enhancing Stability in the International Economic Order

The New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law (NZCIEL) will host a conference entitled “Enhancing Stability in the International Economic Order” in Wellington on 7-8 July 2011. This multidisciplinary conference will bring together scholars, business people, policymakers and research students to discuss and debate issues relating to the conference theme. The focus will be on generating innovative ideas to tackle issues that have emerged in a world surfacing from economic recession. Continue reading

Call for Papers- Justice for All? The International Criminal Court: A Conference -Ten Year Review

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia are hosting an international conference in February 2012 to mark the 10th anniversary of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The conference will review the work of the ICC and its impact in its first decade. The President, Registrar and a representative from the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC will be attending the conference. A key objective of the Conference is to examine the circumstances and reasons for the Asia Pacific’s limited engagement with the ICC, and the key lessons from other regions about how to achieve ratification and full implementation of the Court’s mandate, including in the area of gender justice. Against the backdrop of the two main themes of gender justice and the Asia Pacific, the Conference will consider the operation of the Rome Statute of the ICC at three distinct levels: within the Court itself, as between states parties, and between the ICC and civil society. Continue reading

2011 ILA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (Taipei, Taiwan)

Professor Pasha L. Hsieh, Assistant Professor of Law at the Singapore Management University School of Law, asked us to post the following announcement:

Registration Begins: 2011 ILA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (Taipei, Taiwan)


The Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law is pleased to hold the International Law Association (ILA) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference from May 29 to June 1, 2011 at the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei, a Four Seasons Hotel, in Taipei, Taiwan.


The theme of the conference is “Contemporary International Law Issues in the Asia Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges.”


This conference will provide a forum for international law stakeholders to explore the full range of international and transnational legal issues related to the Asia-Pacific region.


Although the registration deadline is May 10, the Conference Committee suggests that interested participants register by April 10 in order to enjoy the early bird rates. Discounted registration fees are offered to ILA members and young scholars/professionals.


For detailed information, please visit the ILA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference website. Additional questions about the conference can be directed to Professor Pasha Hsieh, Conference Co-organizer, at


Call for Papers: Genocide, Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery

By Dov Jacobs 


Truth,Memory, Justice, and Recovery



9th Biennial Conference of the

International Association of Genocide Scholars

July 19- 22, 2011


Center for Genocide Studies

Universidad Nactional de Tres Febrero

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Over the lasttwo decades, the field of genocides has rapidly proliferated. To date, however,the field has not fully addressed the aftermaths of genocide, including theways in which post-conflict societies negotiate issues of truth and memory andseek justice and recovery.

This focus isparticularly appropriate given the venue, Argentina, and the fact that thiswill be the first IAGS conference ever held in Latin America. During 1980s and1990s, the phrase “truth, memory, and justice” became key watchword ofresistance and resilience. Despite periodic attempts to focus one of theseissues alone (for example, seeking truth instead of justice), many people inLatin America have and continue to insist that only the three pillars togetherenable individual and social recovery from the collective terror. Truth,Memory, and Justice, then, are the preconditions for the fourth pillar,Recovery.

Accordingly,while welcoming papers on all aspects of genocide studies, we are particularlyinterested in papers and sessions devoted to the theme of our 9thBiennial conference, “Genocide: Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery.” Weinvite innovative panels and papers that consider the dynamics, causes, andconsequences of genocide, issues of memory and representation, the role ofjustice and truth in post-conflict societies, and the paths to individual andcollective recovery. Besides panels and paper, we invite other modes ofdialogue, including workshops, roundtable discussion, book presentations,cultural media, and artistic works/readings, including forums that relate topolicy initiatives, pedagogy, and education related to the history andprevention of genocide. Genocide studies covers a wide range of approaches andtheories. Scholars, practitioners, activists, graduate students, and teachersinterested in genocide studies from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Papers will beaccepted on a rolling basis. Further information about submissions,registration, and hotel fees will follow shortly at Otherquestions may be directed to the conference organizers, Daniel Feierstein andAlex Hinton, at:

Deadline: March 15, 2011

Human Rights Summer Program of the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)

Knut Traisbach asked us to share the following announcement with our readers. Of course, I am happy to do so:  

The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) in Venice will host a distinct human rights program this summer.

The inaugural session of the Venice Academy of Human Rights will take place from 12-17 July.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Jochen Abr. Frowein, Former director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg
  • Douglas A. Johnson, Executive Director of the Center for Victims of Torture, Minneapolis
  • Theodor Meron, Judge and Former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
  • Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
  • Giorgio Sacerdoti, Former Member of the WTO Appellate Body
  • Kathryn Sikkink, McKnight Presidential Chair in Political Science at the University of Minnesota 
  • Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, Thomas W. Lamont University Professor at Harvard University

The Academy offers interdisciplinary thematic programs open to academics, practitioners and Ph.D./J.S.D. students from anywhere in the world who have an advanced knowledge of human rights. It is open to a maximum of only 50 participants who attend the morning lectures in the plenum and will be divided in smaller groups for more intensive afternoon seminars.

For further information please visit:

Deadline for applications is 31 May 2010.

Facebook page – 60 years of the European Convention on Human Rights

The Council of Europe requested us to post the following announcement:

Facebook page – 60
years of
the European Convention on Human Rights

Let’s share about the European Convention on Human

Rights’ impact on Europeans everyday lives, its achievements and
shortcomings. Let’s debate about how we perceive our rights to
liberty, security, a fair trial, family life and freedom of
religion and expression.

By becoming a
fan of Convention’s
Facebook page
, you will have the opportunity to view topical
access pictures, leave comments on the wall, get to know with
multimedia resources as posters, animated brochures and podcasts,
discussions and keep up to date with the latest events! Last but
no means
least, here you can get in touch with human rights supporters from
around Europe.


Our rights,
our freedoms –
Our Convention on Facebook – see you there!  




Page sur
Facebook – 60e anniversaire de la Convention européenne des droits

incidences la
Convention européenne des droits de l’homme a-t-elle sur la vie
quotidienne des Européens ? Qu’a-t-elle permis d’accomplir,
quelles sont
ses lacunes ? Quelle est notre conception des droits à la vie, à
liberté, à la sécurité, à un procès équitable, à la vie familiale
et à la
liberté de conscience, de religion et d’expression ? Sur tous ces
échangeons nos points de vue et nos expériences.

En devenant un
de la page de la Convention sur Facebook
, vous pourrez
visionner des
films sur des sujets d’actualité, accéder à des photos, poster des

commentaires sur le mur, vous informer grâce à de nombreuses
multimédias (affiches, brochures animées, podcasts), suivre des
débats et
vous tenir au courant des derniers événements. Enfin et surtout,
pourrez entrer en contact avec des partisans des droits de l’homme
tous les pays d’Europe.

Nos droits, nos libertés – Notre
convention : Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook !  

GoJIL International Law Essay Competition

By Tobias Thienel


Not content with holding an international conference this autumn, the Goettingen Journal of International Law is currently seeking submissions for its 3rd International Law Essay Competition. This year’s topic is "The Rise of Self-Determination".


The best article submitted will be published in an upcoming issue. Past winners of the Competition are Evelyne Schmid’s fine article on "The Right to a Fair Trial in Times of Terrorism: A Method to Identify the Non-Derogable Aspects of Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", published in the first-ever issue of the GoJIL, and Marco Benatar’s impressive "The Use of Cyber Force: Need for Legal Justification?", published in GoJIL Vol 1 No 3.


The deadline for submissions this year is 15 June 2010.

Call for Papers: GoJIL Conference on “Resources of Conflict – Conflicts over Resources”

The Goettingen Journal of International Law, Germany’s first student-run journal on international law, is set to hold its first international conference, titled "Resources of Conflict – Conflicts over Resources", from 7-9 October 2010. Judge Bruno Simma of the International Court of Justice has already agreed to give one of the two keynote addresses.


The broad topic of the conference will be subdivided into four panels, each of which will seek to bring together scholars – particularly emerging scholars and junior faculty – of international law, international politics and adjacent disciplines. The panels are planned as follows:

Panel 1: Actors of Armed Conflicts and International Law

Panel 2: Resources Before, During and After Conflicts

Panel 3: Resources of Conflict Prevention: Access, Sharing and Regulation

Panel 4: Knowledge as a Resource: Access, Assessment and Legal Consequences


Abstracts of presentations are invited until 1 June 2010. The full text of the Call for Papers is after the fold. Continue reading