Like my other co-bloggers I am a priviliged and possibly overeducated globetrotter and internationalist. I was born in Singapore but spent most of my life in Halifax, N.S. where I went to high school with Richard. I studied philosophy and economics at Dalhousie University/University of King’s College (while managing to pick up Spanish and spend a semester visiting the Faculty for Latin American Social Studies at the University of Havana
http://www.flacso.org/cuba.php ). I later completed an MA in economics at Queen’s University
http://www.econ.queensu.ca/. I subsequently worked as an intern for the Center for Studies of Economic Integration and International Trade
http://www.f-integral.com/index.php in Buenos Aires where I researched multilateral trade negotiations and foreign aid for trade. I am currently pursuing a PhD in economics at the University of California, Berkeley
http://www.econ.berkeley.edu/econ/. When not working I love basketball, guitars and jazz music. My academic research
http://works.bepress.com/nicholas_li/, largely divorced from my blogging, concerns measurement of international price differences and international/intertemporal consumption-based welfare comparisons. My blogging interests run the gamut from American, Latin American and South-East Asian politics (Canadian politics are generally too boring), foreign aid policy, international trade negotiations, the relationship between human rights, democracy and economic growth, and generally being as left-wing as my economics training allows. My previous blogging with Richard and Otto at 1948blog was fun and informative, and I look forward to broadening my knowledge of international law as well through our new collaboration with "the Core."