For a start, i’d like to thank Otto and Lennert for inviting me to join this blog. Despite having never studied in Leiden, I feel like i’ve been sort of been adopted by the Dutch academic community, given the many years I’ve now spent coming to the The Hague for courses, lectures, summer schools and conferences, and I’ve even moved here since last summer. It is during my very first such visit some time ago that I met Otto and Lennert. I’m currently trying to finish my PhD on hybrid courts and transitional justice and am a Research Fellow at the Asser Institute in the Hague. I studied law in France and the UK, and did Sciences Po in Paris, before going into exile to Florence at the European University Institute. I’m really glad to be part of this blog. I created my own blog on international law, Speading the Jam, several months back and quite enjoy the informal exchange of ideas that this mode of expression allows. I will be mostly posting on issues of International Criminal Law, a field I have been publishing in for the past few years. I try to identify the limits and ambiguities of the process of international justice. I also tend to often have a "legalistic" approach (you can thank my French education for that…) and regularly strive to identify the legal inconsistencies and problems that arise from conflicting policy decisions.